Thursday, 10 May 2018

SAWDAH C - Stranded


Stranded is a strategic game were you use teamwork.We were playing this fun game to use our skills: teamwork,communication,persuasive language and math to survive.The theme of Stranded is that you get stranded on an unexplored island and you need to use teamwork to survive until the rescuers save you in 15 months.At the end of the 15 months it shows how good you did like utopia,paradise,success etc.


The aim of Stranded is to get the most happiness in the 15 months you are stranded. To get happiness you need to gain food, stone, to build enough houses for everyone and explore for hot springs and swim in them to gain happiness.You need to have at least 90 food to not lose happiness at the end of each month/turn.


 Every week we got better as we work more and more together ; we discussed everything until we came to a fair agreement. The turn leader told us what to do , every turn and persuaded us to agree.


You will be amazed at how fun Stranded is when you start playing it . You won’t want to stop playing it when you start! My school started playing the game as it developed our skills ; teamwork , which we used by working together ; persuasive language, which we used by choosing a turn leader every turn who persuaded us to do things like build a shelter or school etc.; maths , which we used by reading the numbers of the food, stone, wood and happiness ; and finally, we used communication by talking to each other about what to do. I hope you play this amazing game and recommend it to everyone you know. Thanks for reading.

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